Scent of Grass Death
By Chris Hansen. In the morning, often of a weekend, the sounds of mowers could be heard as far as you might wish to travel through the suburbs. My father’s mower was a Victa. Tried trusty and true it kept … Continued
By Chris Hansen. In the morning, often of a weekend, the sounds of mowers could be heard as far as you might wish to travel through the suburbs. My father’s mower was a Victa. Tried trusty and true it kept … Continued
By Claudia Collins Nurse June Carson wheeled her patient out onto the backyard veranda of his Daylesford home, taking care to set the brake on the chair. The house, built high on the hill, had commanding views over the township, … Continued
By Geoff Gaskill I went out walking and came home with a black bra. Well, I didn’t come home with it, but the mystery did. I found it on my walk one late afternoon and can’t seem to get it … Continued
By Adrian Brookes Sometimes, as a teacher you get a suspicion you really have helped someone on their way, if not done some outright good. Fifth-year English was the first class of a Friday afternoon. They were a good bunch … Continued
By Sheila Dawson Grey clouds scud rapidly across the sky, the trees start to sway. The weather bureau predicts a deluge overnight. In the meantime, the humidity clings like a blanket. Every shuttered door and window is ready to fling … Continued